Maryland Alimony Attorney for Support Issues

When a family reorganizes because of separation and divorce, the question of alimony and support issues often arise.  Whether a family enjoys a comfortable lifestyle or is struggling, the formation of two new households from one established home can create major challenges.  At LifsonLaw, we will explain both the law regarding alimony and how it is determined.

Alimony is only available to married persons.  Those living in other domestic arrangements will not be eligible for alimony in Maryland.

To evaluate alimony in your case, a first step will be to retrieve financial documents.  In order to determine if alimony should be paid from one spouse to another, an in-depth analysis of household finances must occur.  Tax returns, bank statements and household bills should be gathered.  If there is disparity in the income of the spouses, this will be a factor in evaluating alimony.  For example, if one spouse makes a great deal more money than the other, alimony is a way to equalize their finances.

A financial statement, part of most divorces, must be created showing current income and expenses.  Attorney Lifson can guide you in acquiring and evaluating your financial information to determine if a request for alimony will be appropriate in your case.  Alimony can be short term, long term or indefinite, depending on the circumstances of the case.

When evaluating alimony, consideration is also given to the contributions of the person managing the household.  One common example of this is the wife who stayed home, raised children and managed the home with an expectation of her husband’s financial support.  Her contribution to the family was the unpaid running of the household.  Her husband, meanwhile, has a successful career, making money to provide for the family.   The payment of alimony from one divorced spouse to another recognizes these non-monetary contributions to the marriage.  An alimony award can also provide the spouse with the lower income some time to develop skills that will increase income potential and lead to becoming self-supporting.

Beginning January 1, 2019, under the Federal law recently passed by Congress, alimony will no longer be tax deductible to the donor or considered to be income to the recipient.  This major adjustment in the law will create new challenges for couples negotiating alimony as part of a marital settlement agreement.

For more information on alimony and the courts, please click here for another article on this topic.