Columbia Prenuptial Agreement Attorney

Creating a prenuptial agreement may not sound romantic, and talking about finances can be an emotional topic for many couples. If a prospective spouse wishes to create a prenuptial agreement, it is important that such an agreement is enforceable by the court. A properly drafted premarital agreement should not only be enforceable, but if negotiated openly and with a generous spirit, such a document can also be the basis for a very sound, successful and lasting union.

At Lifson Mediation, we advise clients about the practical aspects of preparing for marriage. For many people, prior to marriage, it is critical to consider the disposition of property in the event of divorce or death.  Often called a prenup, this document is a written contract entered into prior to marriage, to protect both spouses and make clear both parties expectations and responsibilities.  When creating premarital agreements, our focus is on bringing important financial issues and other concerns to the surface in advance of the marriage. This clarifies the expectations of both parties and enables each of them to proactively address and resolve areas of potential conflict.  We recommend each party retain his/her own attorney to review any agreement for clarity and fairness.

Some examples of matters addressed in a prenuptial agreement include:

  • Inheritance for spouse and children
  • Property distribution at divorce
  • Financial support following separation and divorce
  • Division of retirement assets

Through a prenuptial agreement, you more say in how your assets are distributed in the event of a divorce.  We take steps and offer guidance that will help create an appropriate and enforceable prenuptial agreement. An experienced lawyer can help you craft a fair agreement that reflects your unique circumstances.  With proper preparation, we at Lifson Mediation will help you create a document that meets your needs.